An opportunity is a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances. But the problem with this definition is that we can’t see the importance of acting on it. See, an opportunity isn’t something that happens to you and brings you fortune. An opportunity is nothing without somebody deciding to grab it at a particular moment. For an opportunity to become actually one, someone has to see it, to detect its potential. Then, he has to act, to make it real. Nothing is in itself an opportunity.
Back to the sixties, when few American students started creating a network, nobody could have predicted that the system would become such a powerful mass media. But some people, one after the other, saw the opportunity and acted on it.

I’m not going to say that it’s a great opportunity for companies to go to the internet and make a website. I will spare you the scoop of the century. The highest opportunity the internet offers, is that it’s not fixed. This media is self developing. To me, the precious opportunity is for one to see how he will use and herewith shape the media. This week is the 11th anniversary of Google and it’s creeping me out when I see what they became – and the money they made - in a decade ! Google never stopped exploiting the media, changing it, making it more useful, making it do everything and even more. They developed advertisement services, an electronic mail service, desktop applications, a cartography application, the OS mobile Android… Well you all know the story. All this was possible because the company never stopped reconsidering their role and dared to take new directions. Of course, Google is far to be the only one making the internet become what it is today, and thinking about what it will be tomorrow.
In the end, an opportunity is only one after having been proved right. Before being grabbed, it’s just a possibility. We never know what can happen. So the advice I would give is not being afraid of creating, testing or trying new things, they can fail, but they can also become a precious opportunity.

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